Wednesday, March 23, 2011

glass half full?

I'm trying to look at the glass as half full, but its really quite difficult when the other two competitors are blowing past me in their weightloss.  Perhaps I'm not meant to lose weight?  I don't know, but at least I did lose some weight since last weeks weigh-in.  Or i could take my dad's wise words of advice, "Imagine how big you would be if you didn't exercise!" 

On Saturday Darin and I did a 9mile hike with my dad at the Pinnacle.  It felt great to finally go hiking again after a long cold winter.  This was Darin's first hike with my dad and I, and he did great! We burned lots of calories and then gained it all back with a late night run to the StarLite Diner with Jamie.  whoops!

Here are some pictures:

Darin and I at the rock pile that signifies we made it to the Pinnacle!

The view from the lookout:

Can't wait to get back up there!  And don't worry Jen, when its a little warmer out, we will take you there.

This weeks weights:

Kim: 143.4
Darin: 179.4
Jen: 129.0


  1. I don't think you have a lot to worry about Kim, I don't think you are overweight. If you really want to try and drop, don't eat anymore then 1050 a day. According to the biggest loser weight loss guide people who weigh under 150 should lose if you limit your calories to that. That's what I've been doing and it is working! Good job Darin! Im looking forward to saturday!

  2. if i limited myself to 1050 calories a day, i would not be able to function like a normal human being. thanks though :)

  3. that was kim, i've got no problems limiting myself to less than 1000 calories a day

  4. You should eat 1200 calories a day. Darin if u are only eating 1000 calories u will gain the weight back. Congrats to all three of you . Kim, you are not losing as much as Darin and Jen because You did not have as much fatty flab as they did. So dont feel bad, remember everyone has to maintain the weight loss and that will be harder for them.
